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Bock #6 Feeds/Housings Cancelled

Regrettably, I’ve cancelled production of Bock #6 feeds/housings. There are too many variants, and that makes it difficult for my customers to know what to order.

I do plan to release flexible nibs in Bock #6, though these will be specific to manufacturer, for example, Bexley, Visconti, Conid, and Conklin, to name a few.

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Bock #6 in clear cast acrylic

Bock #6 nib assembly in clear cast acrylic is complete.  This one has a steel Bexley nib.

I’m also reverse engineering a Bock #6 with a titanium nib borrowed from Newton Pens. The feed design is different because the nib has a different curvature than the steel Bock nib. The housing is also a little different, but it still fits existing pens that accept Bock #6 steel nibs.

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Bock #6 Prototypes

Each day, with the help of my son, I’m able to work about an or so.  We’ve made prototypes in acrylic of Bock #6 feeds and housings.  The housing is more or less complete; the feed still needs tweaking to fit Bock #6 nibs.