Some of the final feeds and housings I’ll make on my Roland 4-axis mill. These will be made much more quickly and economically on the Mazak QTU-200MSY that will arrive early in 2017. These are for JoWo #6 nibs, widely used in cartridge converter fountain pens.
I am excited to announce that I’ve found and rented a space in Carrollton, TX for Flexible Nib Factory LLC. The first machine will arrive at the end of January and the second in mid-February. I hope to have my first flexible nibs for beta testers shortly thereafter.
I’ve selected the Brother Speedio S700X1 with a Sankyo RT100 rotary tilt table for my vertical mill, and the Mazak QTU-200MSY for turning center. Both Yamazen, importer of Brother CNC machines, and Mazak, gave me exceptionally good pricing, which will enable me to launch my company with excellent manufacturing technology.
I am searching for factory space in the north Dallas area and hope to have a location locked down in the next few weeks.
My first choice for a vertical mill is the Brother Speedio S700X1, shown here with the Flex S robot loader / unloader module attached. This mill would be used for making nib forming dies, factory fixtures, and various fountain pen parts not well suited for a turning center.
Brother Speedio S700X1 with Flex S robot module
My second choice for a vertical mill is the Fanuc Robodrill. This is the smaller model with a robot loader / unloader. I would need the largest Robodrill.
Fanuc Robodrill with robot loader / unloader
My choice for a turning center is the Mazak Quick Turn Universal 200MSY. Shown here is the 200MY model, which has a tailstock replacing the sub spindle. I would use this lathe to make feeds, collars, sections and other fountain pen parts, along with some factory fixtures and other miscellaneous parts.
Mazak Quick Turn Universal 200MY
This is the Sankyo RT100 rotary tilt table that can be added to the Brother Speedio or the Fanuc Robodrill. I would use the smaller RT080 unit.
Sankyo RT100 rotary tilt table
Also, see this photo gallery of other interesting machines and rotary tables I saw at IMTS.
Haas CM-1 vertical mill
Kern Micro 5-axis vertical mill
Sharp Industries SV-2414SX vertical mill with robot loader / unloader
Welcome to Flexible Nib Factory! Over the next few months, I will be begin selling flexible fountain pen nibs. The first ones available will be for Pelikan M2xx / M4xx fountain pens.
I will begin accepting full custom designs shortly thereafter, with a plan to begin full volume production by mid-2017.
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